tag using twr-wasm"> WebAssembly Example of a Terminal Using a Canvas Tag - Easier WebAssembly with twr-wasm
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stdio-canvas - Terminal Using a Canvas Tag

A simple ANSI WebAssembly C "terminal" is created with input and output directed to an HTML <canvas> tag.

This example will move a string up or down in the terminal window when you press the u or d or arrow keys.

This example also draws a graphic box around the terminal window.

Screen Grab of Terminal

C Code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include "twr-crt.h"

/* this twr-wasm C example draws a utf-8 string in the middle of a windowed console, */
/* and allows the user to move the string up or down with the u, d or arrow keys */

/* see include/twr-io.h for available functions to draw chars to windowed console */

void draw_outline(struct IoConsoleWindow* iow);
void show_str_centered(struct IoConsoleWindow* iow, int h, const char* str);

void stdio_canvas() {
    struct IoConsoleWindow* iow=(struct IoConsoleWindow*)twr_get_stdio_con();


    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");  // set user default locale, which is always UTF-8.  This is here to turn on UTF-8.

    int h;
    const char* str="Hello World (press u, d, ↑, or ↓)";  // arrows are UTF-8 multibyte
    const char* spc="                                 ";
    char inbuf[6];  // UTF-8 should be max 4 bytes plus string ending 0



    while (1) {
      show_str_centered(iow, h,  str);
      io_mbgetc(stdin, inbuf); // also see twr_getc32 documentation
      show_str_centered(iow, h,  spc);   // erase old string

      if (strcmp(inbuf,"u")==0 || strcmp(inbuf,"↑")==0) {   // arrows are multibyte UTF-8.
         if (h<1) h=1;  // border I drew is in the 0 position
      if (strcmp(inbuf,"d")==0 || strcmp(inbuf,"↓")==0) {
         if (h>=(iow->display.height-1)) h=iow->display.height-2;  // border I drew is in the height-1 position

void show_str_centered(struct IoConsoleWindow* iow, int h, const char* str) {
    int len=twr_mbslen_l(str, twr_get_current_locale());
    int x=(iow->display.width-len)/2;
    io_set_cursorxy(iow, x, h);
    io_putstr(&iow->con, str);

void draw_outline(struct IoConsoleWindow* iow) {
   const int w=iow->display.width*2;   // graphic cells are 2x3
   const int h=iow->display.height*3;
   unsigned long fgcolor, bgcolor;


   io_get_colors(&iow->con, &fgcolor, &bgcolor);
   io_set_colors(&iow->con, 0x000000, bgcolor);  // draw in black

   for (int i=0; i<w; i++) {
      io_setreset(iow, i, 0, true);
      io_setreset(iow, i, h-1, true);

   for (int i=0; i<h; i++) {
      io_setreset(iow, 0, i, true);
      io_setreset(iow, w-1, i, true);

   io_set_colors(&iow->con, fgcolor, bgcolor);  // restore




<!doctype html>
   <title>stdio-canvas example</title>
   <canvas id="twr_iocanvas" tabindex="0"></canvas>

   <!-- importmap used when un-bundled -->
   <script type="importmap">
         "imports": {
         "twr-wasm": "../../lib-js/index.js"

   <script type="module">
      import {twrWasmModuleAsync} from "twr-wasm";

      try {
         const amod = new twrWasmModuleAsync({windim:[50,20], forecolor:"beige", backcolor:"DarkOliveGreen", fontsize:18});


         await amod.loadWasm("./stdio-canvas.wasm");
         const r=await amod.callC(["stdio_canvas"]);
         console.log("callC returned: "+r);
      catch(ex) {
         console.log("unexpected exception");
         throw ex;
