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2D Draw C API for WebAssembly

This section describes twr-wasm's C D2D API, which allows your WebAssembly module to call many of the JavaScript Canvas APIs. There is also a C++ canvas wrapper class in the balls example.


Name View Live Link Source Link
Bouncing Balls (C++) View bouncing balls Source for balls
Maze (Win32 C Port) View live maze here Source for maze


To create a canvas surface that you can draw to using the twr-wasm 2D C drawing APIs, add a canvas tag to your HTML named twr_d2dcanvas like this example (you can use any width/height you like):

<canvas id="twr_d2dcanvas" width="600" height="600"></canvas>

To draw using the C 2D Draw API:

  • call d2d_start_draw_sequence
  • call one or more (a sequence) of 2D draw commands, like d2d_fillrect
  • call d2d_end_draw_sequence

Commands are queued until flushed -- which will take the batch of queued draw commands, and execute them. The 2D draw APIs will work with either twrWasmModule or twrWasmModuleAsync. With twrWasmModuleAsync, the batch of commands is sent from the worker thread over to the JavaScript main thread for execution. By batching the calls between calls to d2d_start_draw_sequence and d2d_end_draw_sequence, performance is improved.

d2d_flush waits for the commands to finish execution before returning. d2d_flush is called automatically by d2d_end_draw_sequence and so you generally don't need to call it manually.

You pass an argument to d2d_start_draw_sequence specifying how many instructions will trigger an automatic call to d2d_flush. You can make this larger for efficiency, or smaller if you want to see the render progress more frequently. There is no limit on the size of the queue, except memory used in the Wasm module. The d2d_flush function can be called manually call, but this is not normally needed, unless you would like to ensure a sequence renders before your d2d_end_draw_sequence is called, or before the count passed d2d_start_draw_sequence is met.

If you are using twrWasmModuleAsync, or if you are re-rendering the entire frame for each animation update, you should ensure that all of your draws for a complete frame are made without an explicit or implicit call to d2d_flush in the middle of the draw sequence, as this may cause flashing.


These are the Canvas APIs currently available in C:

struct d2d_draw_seq* d2d_start_draw_sequence(int flush_at_ins_count);
void d2d_end_draw_sequence(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds);
void d2d_flush(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds);
int d2d_get_canvas_prop(const char* prop);

void d2d_fillrect(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, double x, double y, double w, double h);
void d2d_strokerect(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, double x, double y, double w, double h);
void d2d_filltext(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, const char* str, double x, double y);
void d2d_fillcodepoint(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, char c, double x, double y);

void d2d_measuretext(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, const char* str, struct d2d_text_metrics *tm);
void d2d_save(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds);
void d2d_restore(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds);

void d2d_setlinewidth(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, double width);
void d2d_setfillstylergba(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, unsigned long color);
void d2d_setstrokestylergba(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, unsigned long color);
void d2d_setfillstyle(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, const char* css_color);
void d2d_setstrokestyle(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, const char* css_color);
void d2d_setfont(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, const char* font);

void d2d_createlineargradient(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, long id, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1);
void d2d_createradialgradient(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, long id, double x0, double y0, double radius0, double x1, double y1, double radius1);
void d2d_addcolorstop(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, long gradID, long position, const char* csscolor);
void d2d_setfillstylegradient(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, long gradID);
void d2d_releaseid(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, long id);

void d2d_beginpath(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds);
void d2d_fill(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds);
void d2d_stroke(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds);
void d2d_moveto(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, double x, double y);
void d2d_lineto(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, double x, double y);
void d2d_arc(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, double x, double y, double radius, double start_angle, double end_angle, bool counterclockwise);
void d2d_bezierto(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, double cp1x, double cp1y, double cp2x, double cp2y, double x, double y);

void d2d_imagedata(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, long id, void*  mem, unsigned long length, unsigned long width, unsigned long height);
void d2d_putimagedata(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, long id, unsigned long dx, unsigned long dy);
void d2d_putimagedatadirty(struct d2d_draw_seq* ds, long id, unsigned long dx, unsigned long dy, unsigned long dirtyX, unsigned long dirtyY, unsigned long dirtyWidth, unsigned long dirtyHeight);

d2d_measuretext() returns this structure:

struct d2d_text_metrics {
    double actualBoundingBoxAscent;
    double actualBoundingBoxDescent;
    double actualBoundingBoxLeft;
    double actualBoundingBoxRight;
    double fontBoundingBoxAscent;
    double fontBoundingBoxDescent;
    double width;

d2d_get_canvas_prop() returns a value of:

export interface ICanvasProps {
   charWidth: number,
   charHeight: number,
   foreColor: number,
   backColor: number,
   widthInChars: number,
   heightInChars: number,