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WebAssembly Console API

twr-wasm for WebAssembly provides a console API for abstracting I/O. This console API is used by stdin, stdout, and stderr, as well as the ANSI Terminal. Streaming and Windowed I/O is supported.

This section describes the C character based input/output console API this is abstracted by struct IoConsole.

Consoles can be "tty" aka "streamed", or they can be "windowed" (aka a "terminal").

Also see stdio


Name View Live Link Source Link
"terminal" in/out with a <canvas> View mini-term demo Source

Getting stderr, stdin, stdout

stdio.h defines stdin, stdout, stderr as explained here: stdio

stdio.h also defines FILE like this:

typedef struct IoConsole FILE; 

from <stdio.h>:

#define stderr (FILE *)(twr_get_stderr_con())
#define stdin (FILE *)(twr_get_stdio_con())
#define stdout (FILE *)(twr_get_stdio_con())

Getting a new console

stdin and stdout are set as explaind here. However, in unusual cases you might want to access the various consoles directly, regardless of how stdin, stdout, or stderr are set. You can do so like this:


Returns an IoConsole that goes to the bit bucket. io_getc32 will return 0.

#include "twr-io.h"

struct IoConsole* io_nullcon(void);


Returns an IoConsole that goes to the browser's debug console.

#include "twr-crt.h"

struct IoConsole* twr_debugcon(void);


Returns an IoConsole that goes to <div id="twr_iodiv">, if it exists.

#include "twr-crt.h"

struct IoConsole* twr_divcon(void);


Returns an IoConsole that goes to <canvas id="twr_iocanvas"> , if it exists.

NOTE: Only one call can be made to this function, and it is usually made by the twr-wasm C runtime, so you likely won't call this function.

#include "twr-crt.h"

struct IoConsole* twr_windowcon(void);

IO Console Functions


Sends a byte to an IoConsole and supports the current locale's character encoding. This function will "stream" using the current code page. In other words, if you io_putc ASCII, it will work as "normal". If the current locale is set to 1252, then you can send windows-1252 encoded characters. If the current locale is UTF-8, then you can stream UTF-8 (that is, call io_putc once for each byte of the multi-byte UTF-8 character).

Note that when characters are sent to the browser console using stderr they will not render to the console until a newline, return, or ASCII 03 (End-of-Text) is sent.

#include "twr-io.h"

void io_putc(struct IoConsole* io, unsigned char c);


Calls io_putc for each byte in the passed string.

#include "twr-io.h"

void io_putstr(struct IoConsole* io, const char* s);


Identical to fprintf, however io_printf will call io_begin_draw and io_end_draw around its drawing activities -- resulting in snapper performance.

For example:

#include "twr-io.h"

io_printf(twr_debugcon(), "hello over there in browser debug console land\n");


#include <stdio.h>
#include <twr_io.h>

io_printf(stdout, "hello world\n");
#include <twr_io.h>

void io_printf(struct IoConsole *io, const char *format, ...);


Waits for the user to enter and then returns a unicode code point. Currently only really works with an IoConsole that is stdin.

To return characters encoded with the current locale, see io_mbgetc

#include <twr_io.h>

int io_getc32(struct IoConsole* io);


io_mbgetc will get a character from stdin and encode it using the character encoding of the LC_CTYPE category of the current locale. "C" will use ASCII. UTF-8 and windows-1252 are also supported.

#include <twr_io.h>

void io_mbgetc(struct IoConsole* io, char* strout);


Gets a string from an IoConsole (which needs to be stdin). Returns when the user presses "Enter". Displays a cursor character and echos the inputted characters, at the current cursor position. Uses character encoding of LC_TYPE of current locale.

#include <twr_io.h>

char *io_mbgets(struct IoConsole* io, char *buffer );


Returns an integer of the current cursor position. The cursor is where the next io_putc is going to go.

For windowed consoles, the cursor position ranges from [0, width*height-1], inclusive.

#include <twr_io.h>

int io_get_cursor(struct IoConsole* io);


For windowed consoles only.

Sets a 24 bit RGB default color for the foreground and background. The prior default colors are changed (lost). For example, if you set the default colors when you created the window (see stdio), the defaults will no longer be active. Use io_get_colors to save existing colors for later restoration using io_set_colors.

A call to io_set_colors doesn't actually cause any on screen changes. Instead, these new default colors are used in future draw and text calls. A foreground and background color is set for each cell in the console window. The cell's colors are set to these default foreground/background colors when a call to io_setc, io_setreset, etc is made.

#include <twr_io.h>

void io_set_colors(struct IoConsole* io, unsigned long foreground, unsigned long background);


For windowed consoles only.

Gets the current default colors.

#include <twr_io.h>

void io_get_colors(struct IoConsole* io, unsigned long *foreground, unsigned long *background);


For windowed consoles only.

Clears the screen. That is, all character cells in the window are set to a space, their colors are reset to the current default colors (see io_set_colors).

#include <twr_io.h>

void io_cls(struct IoConsoleWindow* iow);


For windowed consoles only.

Sets a window cell to a character. Sends a byte to an IoConsole and supports the current locale's character encoding. This function will "stream" using the current code page. In other words, if you io_setc ASCII, it will work as "normal". If the current locale is set to 1252, then you can send windows-1252 encoded characters. If the current locale is UTF-8, then you can stream UTF-8 (that is, call io_setc once for each byte of the multi-byte UTF-8 character).

#include <twr_io.h>

bool io_setc(struct IoConsoleWindow* iow, int location, unsigned char c);


For windowed consoles only.

Sets a window cell to a unicode code point. The colors are set to the defaults (see io_set_colors).

#include <twr_io.h>

void io_setc32(struct IoConsoleWindow* iow, int location, int c);


For windowed consoles only.

Sets or resets (clears) a chunky graphics "pixel". Each character cell can also be a 2x3 grid of graphic "pixels". In other words, the terminal window has pixel dimensions of width2 x height3.

The color will be set to the defaults if the impacted cell is not a graphics cell. If it is an existing graphics cell, the colors don't change.

See the stdio-canvas example.

#include <twr_io.h>

bool io_setreset(struct IoConsoleWindow* iow, int x, int y, bool isset);


For windowed consoles only.

Checks if a chunky graphics "pixel" is set or clear. See io_setreset.

#include <twr_io.h>

bool io_point(struct IoConsoleWindow* iow, int x, int y);


Moves the cursor. See io_get_cursor.

#include <twr_io.h>

void io_set_cursor(struct IoConsoleWindow* iow, int loc);


For windowed consoles only.

This call (and its matching io_end_draw) are not required. But if you bracket any call sequence that draws to the terminal window with an io_begin_draw and io_end_draw, the updates will be batched into one update. This will increase performance and usually prevents the user from seeing partial updates.

io_begin_draw can be nested.

See the stdio-canvas example.

#include <twr_io.h>

void io_begin_draw(struct IoConsole* io);


For windowed consoles only.

See io_begin_draw.

#include <twr_io.h>

void io_end_draw(struct IoConsole* io);