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twr-wasm Import Resolution

This section covers path resolution for statements like this:

import {twrWasmModule} from "twr-wasm";

It can be confusing to determine how tools like VS Code, a bundler, or a Web Browser resolve imports like "twr-wasm". This section explains how it works, using the included examples as examples.

If you have installed twr-wasm using npm, most tools will automatically resolve imports by finding the node_modules folder.

However, if you installed using git clone, then other steps will need to be taken. The examples are in the git repo tree, and as a result there may be no node_modules for the twr-wasm libraries. This will also be the case for your project, if you installed with git clone.

Import path resolution by the bundler

A bundler will find the twr-wasm library using one of these methods:

  1. If twr-wasm has been installed with npm install, the bundler will find the node_modules folder
  2. Alternately, If all your scripts are in TypeScript, use paths entry in tsconfig.json (see maze example)
  3. Alternately, use alias option in package.json as in the helloworld example
         "alias": {
              "twr-wasm": "../../lib-js/index.js"

In the examples, the alias entry in the package.json exists so that the parcel bundler can find twr-wasm.

If you are using a bundler, you don't need to add a <script type="importmap"> tag.

Import path resolution by the browser

This section apples to executing your javascript without first "bundling" it. Whether execution is from the filesystem directly in a browser or using a web server.

In order for the browser to locate the twr-wasm path when import is used, you can add code like this to your HTML prior to the import. You should make sure the path for twr-wasm is correct for your project (this is correct for the examples).

<script type="importmap">
        "imports": {
        "twr-wasm": "../../lib-js/index.js"

Import resolution by VS Code and tsc

VS Code Intellisense and the typescript compiler need to find modules. If twr-wasm is installed using npm into a node_modules folder, this is probably automatic. But if this is not the case, you can add a line to the tsconfig.json as follows (this example assumes the tsconfig.json is in a examples/example folder). See the maze example.

"paths": {
   "twr-wasm": ["./../../lib-js/index"]