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divcon - Printf and Input Using a div Tag

What It Does

This example inputs a number, squares it, and prints the result using standard C library functions.

The divcon example demos:

  • A Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL)
  • using twr-wasm class twrWasmModuleAsync to await on blocking C code
  • getting and print characters to a div tag using twr-wasm class twrConsoleDiv

Running Examples and Source:

Screen Grab of Square Calculator

C Code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "twr-crt.h"

void stdio_div() {
    char inbuf[64];
    char *r;
    int i;

    printf("Square Calculator\n");

    while (1) {
        printf("Enter an integer: ");
        r=twr_mbgets(inbuf);  // r is NULL if esc entered.  Otherwise r == inbuf
        if (r) {  
            printf("%d squared is %d\n\n",i,i*i);
        else {


We are using twrWasmModuleAsync which integrates blocking C code into JavaScript. twrWasmModuleAsync can also be used to receive key input from a <div> or <canvas> tag.

   <div id="stdioDiv" 
        style="color: DarkGreen; background-color: LightGray; font-size: 18px;font-family: Arial, sans-serif;" >
        Loading... <br>

   <script type="module">
      import {twrWasmModuleAsync, twrConsoleDiv} from "twr-wasm";

      const con = new twrConsoleDiv(document.getElementById("stdioDiv"));
      const amod = new twrWasmModuleAsync({stdio: con});

      // remove 'Loading...'
      document.getElementById("stdioDiv").innerHTML ="<br>"; 
      // send key events to twrConsoleDiv

      await amod.loadWasm("./divcon.wasm");
      await amod.callC(["stdio_div"]);
