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Easier WebAssembly with twr-wasm
Documentation and Examples

Easier C/C++ WebAssembly

Version 2.4.2

twr-wasm is a simple, lightweight and easy to use library for building C/C++ WebAssembly code directly with clang. It solves some common use cases with less work than the more feature rich emscripten.

twr-wasm includes comprehensive console support for stdio. You can input and print to a <div> tag, or use a <canvas> element as an terminal.

twr-wasm makes it easy to await on blocking C/C++ functions.

twr-wasm makes it easy to use C/C++ 2D drawing apis that are compatible with JavaScript Canvas APIs to draw to a <canvas> element.

twr-wasm allows you to run C/C++ code in a web browser. Legacy code, libraries, full applications, or single functions can be integrated with JavaScript and TypeScript.

twr-wasm is designed to be used with the standard llvm clang compiler and tools.

Live WebAssembly Examples and Source

Name View Live Link Source Link
Bouncing Balls (C++) View bouncing balls Source for balls
Maze Gen/Solve (Win32 C Port) View live maze Source for maze
Input/Output with <div> View square demo Source
I/O to terminal with <canvas> View demo Source
CLI using libc++ and <canvas>) View console Source

Key Features

  • compile and link C/C++ for use with WebAssembly using clang directly
  • standard C library, libc++. and purpose built APIs available from C/C++
  • TypeScript/JavaScript classes to load Wasm modules and call C/C++ functions
  • localization support, UTF-8, and windows-1252 support
  • in C/C++, print and get characters to/from <div> tags in your HTML page
  • in C/C++, print and get characters to/from a <canvas> based "terminal"
  • in C/C++ use 2D drawing API compatible with JavaScript Canvas
  • in C/C++, use the "blocking loop" pattern and integrate with Javascript's asynchronous event loop

Hello World

Here is the simplest twr-wasm example.

#include <stdio.h>

void hello() {
    printf("hello, world!\n");
   <title>Hello World</title>
   <div id="twr_iodiv"></div>

   <script type="module">
      import {twrWasmModule} from "twr-wasm";

      const mod = new twrWasmModule();
      await mod.loadWasm("./helloworld.wasm");
      await mod.callC(["hello"]);

On Github


The Wasm Runtime Limitations section explains why a library like twr-wasm is needed to use WebAssembly.

Version 2 vs. 1

  • libc++ built for WebAssembly is included
  • most of the standard C library is now implemented
  • instructions for WebAssembly C/C++ source level debugging
  • version of library with debug symbols provided
  • locale, UTF-8, and windows-1252 support

Version 2 Limitations

  • libc++ not built with exceptions enabled
  • some standard C library functions are not 100% implemented
  • Designed to work with a browser. Not tested with or designed to work with node.js
  • Not all of compile-rt is ported (but most bits you need are)

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