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Passing Function Arguments to WebAssembly

This article describes techniques to transfer data between JavaScript/TypeScript and C/C++ when using WebAssembly. It delves a bit “under the covers” to explain how this works when you use a library like twr-wasm or Emscripten. In this article, I am using twr-wasm for the examples. Emscripten does something similar.

For an example that illustrates the concepts discussed here, see: the callC example.

WebAssembly Virtual Machine Intrinsic Capabilities

The WebAssembly VM (often referred to as a Wasm “Runtime”) is limited to passing numbers between C functions and the Wasm host (I’ll assume that’s JavaScript for this document). In other words, if you are using the most basic WebAssembly capabilities provided by JavaScript, such as WebAssembly.Module, WebAssembly.Instance, and instance.exports, your function calls and return types can only be:

  • Integer 32 or 64 bit
  • Floating point 32 or 64 bit

These correspond to the WebAssembly spec support for: i32, i64, f32, and f64.

Note that a JavaScript number is of type Float 64 (known as a double in C/C++.). If you are storing an integer into a JavaScript number, it is converted to a Float 64, and its maximum "integer" precision is significantly less than 64 bits (its about 52 bits, but this is a simplification). As a result, to use a 64-bit integers with JavaScript the bigint type is used.

When using 32-bit WebAssembly (by far the most common default), and you call a C function from JavaScript without using any “helper” libraries (like twr-wasm), the following argument types can be passed:

  • Integer 32: JavaScript number type is converted to an Integer 32 and passed to C when the C function prototype specifies a signed or unsigned int, long, int32_t, or a pointer type. All of these are 32 bits in length in wasm32.
  • Integer 64: JavaScript bigint type is converted to an Integer 64 and passed to C when the C function prototype specifies signed or unsigned int64_t (or equivalent). Attempting to pass a JavaScript number to a C int64_t will fail with a JavaScript runtime error.
  • Float 32: JavaScript number type is converted to a Float 32 when the C function prototype specifies a float.
  • Float 64: JavaScript number type is passed as a Float 64 when the C function prototype specifies a double.

The same rules apply to the return types.

C Structs: JavaScript <--> C

This section shows how to create a C struct in JavaScript, then pass it to a C function, and then read the modified C struct in JavaScript.

Although the techniques described here are explained with a struct example, the basic techniques are used with other data types as well (such as strings). For common data types, like a string, libraries like twr-wasm will handle these details for you automatically.

To create and pass a C struct from JavaScript to C, the technique is to call the WebAssembly C malloc from JavaScript to allocate WebAssembly memory and then manipulating the memory in JavaScript. One complexity is that each struct entry’s memory address needs to be calculated. And when calculating the WebAssembly Memory indices for the struct entries, C structure padding must be accounted for.

struct Entry Padding

Before we delve into the actual code, lets review C struct entry padding.

In clang, if you declare this structure in your C code:

struct test_struct {
    int a;
    char b;
    int *c;
  • The first entry, int a, will be at offset 0 in memory (from the start of the struct in memory).
  • The second entry, char b, will be at offset 4 in memory. This is expected since the length of an int is 4 bytes.
  • The third entry, int *c, will be at offset 8 in memory, not at offset 5 as you might expect. The compiler adds three bytes of padding to align the pointer to a 4-byte boundary.

This behavior is dependent on your compiler, cpu, and whether you are using 32 or 64-bit architecture. For wasm32 with clang:

  • char is 1 byte aligned
  • short is 2 byte aligned
  • pointers are 4 byte aligned
  • int, long, int32_t are 4 byte aligned
  • double (Float 64) is 8-byte aligned

If you are not familiar with structure padding, there are many articles on the web.

Alignment requirements are why twr-wasm malloc (and GCC malloc for that matter) aligns new memory allocations on an 8-byte boundary.

Creating a struct in JavaScript

We can create and initialize the above struct test_struct like this in JavaScript:

const mod = new twrWasmModule();
const structSize=12;
const structIndexA=0;
const structIndexB=4;
const structIndexC=8;   // compiler allocates pointer on 4 byte boundaries
let structMem=mod.wasmMem.malloc(structSize);
let intMem=mod.wasmMem.malloc(4);
mod.wasmMem.setLong(structMem+structIndexA, 1);
mod.wasmMem.mem8[structMem+structIndexB]=2;    // you can access the memory directly with the mem8, mem32, and memD (float64 aka double) byte arrays.
mod.wasmMem.setLong(structMem+structIndexC, intMem);
mod.wasmMem.setLong(intMem, 200000);

note that:

  • mod.wasmMem.malloc(structSize) is a shortcut for: mod.callC(["malloc", structSize])
  • mod.wasmMem.malloc returns a C pointer as a number. This pointer is also an index into WebAssembly.Memory -- which is exposed as the byte array (Uint8Array) via mod.wasmMem.mem8 by twr-wasm.
  • When accessing a C struct in JavaScript/TypeScript, you have to do a bit of arithmetic to find the correct structure entry.
  • The entry int *c is a pointer to an int. So a separate malloc to hold the int is needed.
  • In twr-wasm there is no function like setLong to set a byte. Instead you access the byte array view of the WebAssembly memory with mod.wasmMem.mem8. Functions like mod.wasmMem.setLong manipulate this byte array for you.
  • As well as mod.wasmMem.mem8 (Uint8Array), you can also access WebAssembly.Memory directly via mod.wasmMem.mem32 (Uint32Array), and mod.wasmMem.memD (Float64Array).
  • The list of functions available to access WebAssembly.Memory can be found at the end of this page.

Passing struct to C from JavaScript

Assume we have C code that adds 2 to each entry of the test_struct:

void do_struct(struct test_struct *p) {

Once the struct has been created in JavaScript, you can call the C function do_struct that adds 2 to each entry like this in twr-wasm:

await mod.callC(["do_struct", structMem]);  // will add two to each value

Reading C struct in JavaScript

You read the modified elements like this using JavaScript:

success=success && mod.wasmMem.mem8[structMem+structIndexB]==4;
const intValPtr=mod.wasmMem.getLong(structMem+structIndexC);
success=success && intValPtr==intMem;
success=success && mod.wasmMem.getLong(intValPtr)==200002;

You can see the additional complexity of de-referencing the int *.


You can free the malloced memory like this:;;

The complete code for this example is here.

Passing Strings from JavaScript to C/C++ WebAssembly

Although you can use the technique I am about to describe here directly (by writing your own code), it is generally accomplished by using a third-party library such as twr-wasm or Emscripten. These libraries handle the nitty-gritty for you.

To pass a string from JavaScript/TypeScript to a WebAssembly module, the general approach is to:

  • Allocate memory for the string inside the WebAssembly memory. This is typically done by calling the C malloc from JavaScript. malloc returns a pointer, which is an index into the WebAssembly Memory.
  • Copy the JavaScript string to this malloc'd Wasm memory. In the case of twr-wasm, this copying also converts the character encoding as necessary, for example, to UTF-8.
  • Pass the malloc'd memory index to your function as an integer (which is accepted as a pointer by C code).

In the case of twr-wasm, the above steps are handled automatically for you by the callC function:

mod.callC(["my_function", "this is my string"]);  // mod is instance of twrWasmModule

Under the covers, to pass "this is my string" from JavaScript to the C Web Assembly function, callC will execute code like this:

// twrWasmMemory member function
putString(sin:string, codePage = codePageUTF8) {
    const ru8 = this.stringToU8(sin, codePage);  // convert a string to UTF8 encoded characters stored in a Uint8Array
    const strIndex = this.malloc(ru8.length + 1);  // shortcut for: await this.callC(["malloc", ru8.length + 1]);
    this.mem8.set(ru8, strIndex);  // mem8 is of type Uint8Array and is the Wasm Module’s Memory
    this.mem8[strIndex + ru8.length] = 0;
    return strIndex;
this.malloc is the standard C runtime malloc function, provided by twr-wasm, and linked into your .wasm code that is loaded into the WebAssembly Module. Likewise, twr-wasm will call free after the function call is executed.

Returning a String from C/C++ WebAssembly to JavaScript

Returning a string from C to JavaScript is the reverse of passing in a string from JavaScript to C. When the “raw” WebAssembly capabilities are used (WebAssembly.Module, etc.) and your C code looks like this:

return("my string");

The WebAssembly VM and JavaScript host will cause your JavaScript to receive an unsigned 32-bit integer. This is the pointer to the string, cast to an unsigned 32-bit integer. This integer is an index into the WebAssembly Memory.

twr-wasm provides a function to pull the string out of WebAssembly Memory and convert the character encoding to a JavaScript string. JavaScript strings are Unicode 16, but twr-wasm supports ASCII, UTF-8, and windows-1252 string encoding. When extracted and converted, a copy of the string is made.

const retStringPtr = await mod.callC(["ret_string_function"]);

The retStringPtr is an integer 32 (but converted to a JavaScript number, which is Float 64). This integer is an index into the WebAssembly Memory.

Passing ArrayBuffers from JavaScript to C/C++ WebAssembly

When callC in twr-wasm is used to pass an ArrayBuffer to and from C/C++, some details are handled for you. The technique is similar to that used for a string or as performed manually for a struct above, with the following differences:

  • ArrayBuffers have entries of all the same length, so the index math is straight forward and no struct padding is needed.
  • When an ArrayBuffer is passed to a function, the function receives a pointer to the malloc memory. If the length is not known by the function, the length needs to be passed as a separate argument.
  • Before callC returns, any modifications made to the memory by the C code are reflected back into the ArrayBuffer.
  • the malloced copy of the ArrayBuffer is freed.

Here is an example:

let ba = new Uint8Array(4);
ba[0] = 99; ba[1] = 98; ba[2] = 97; ba[3] = 6;
const ret_sum = await mod.callC(["param_bytearray", ba.buffer, ba.length]);

See this example for the complete example.

Passing a JavaScript Object to WebAssembly

Simple Case - use C struct

For a simple object like this:

const a = 'foo';
const b = 42;

const obj = {
  a: a,
  b: b

It is straightforward to convert to a C struct like this:

struct obj {
    const char* a;
    int b;
To pass this JavaScript object to WebAssembly, a C struct is created (using the struct techniques described above). Each object entry is then copied into the corresponding C struct entry (using the struct and string techniques described above).

More Complicated Object

A JavaScript object can contain entries that are of more complexity than simple C data types. For example:

const a = 'foo';
const b = 42;
const map = new Map();
map1.set('a', 1);
map1.set('b', 2);
map1.set('c', 3);
const object2 = { a: a, b: b, c: map };

In this case, you are going to have to do more work. An approach is to use the libc++ map class, which is similar to the JavaScript Map. You could also perhaps use the libc++ vector.

To handle this more complicated JavaScript object with a Map entry, an approach is to export functions from WebAssembly to create and add entries to the libc++ map (you need to use extern 'C' to export these C++ access functions as C functions). In otherworld, you might export from your Wasm Module C functions like this:

void* createMap();   // return an unsigned long Map ID
void addIntToMap(void* mapID, int newInt);

You would then use these functions in JavaScript to build your C++ map. JavaScript would access this map using the unsigned long identifier (the void * returned by createMap). After creating and adding entries to the map, you would set this MapID to object2.c.

There are alternative approaches. For example, you could convert the JavaScript Map to a C struct, by enumerating every entry in the Map. Your C struct might look like: `

struct entry {
    char* name;
    int value;

struct mapUnroll {
    int MapLen;
    struct entry* entries[];

This approach is probably even more work, less general purpose, and less efficient.


I hope this has demystified how JavaScript values are passed to and from WebAssembly. In many cases, functions like twr-wasm's mod.callC will handle the work for you. But in more bespoke cases, you will have to handle some of the work yourself.